Telecharger It Is Not A Piece Of Cake Gratuit

Telecharger It Is Not A Piece Of Cake Gratuit
It Is Not A Piece Of Cake
It Is Not A Piece Of Cake

It Is Not A Piece Of Cake
It Is Not A Piece Of Cake
French | CBR | 116 pages | 149 MB

Telecharger Not That Kind of Girl - Lena Dunham Gratuit

Not That Kind of Girl - Lena Dunham

On peut n'avoir même pas trente ans, avoir créé une série culte, avoir déjà été qualifiée pêle-mêle de " voix d'une génération " et de " fille naturelle de Susan Sontag et de Woody Allen ", figurer dans la liste du 
Times des 100 personnes les plus influentes du monde, avoir vu Joyce Carol Oates chanter vos louanges, avoir décroché un contrat faramineux avec une des plus grandes maisons d'édition américaines, et pourtant être percluse de tocs, de complexes et d'angoisses existentielles. 

Lena Dunham, c'est la bonne copine. Celle qui vous raconte par le menu ses plans drague foireux, ses accidents sexuels, ses premiers boulots minables. Mais Lena Dunham, c'est aussi la philosophe néoféministe qui nous explique qu'il vaut mieux pour notre santé mentale bannir à jamais le mot régime de notre vocabulaire, que dans la vie, il y a les hommes et il y a les connards, que New York est la plus belle ville du monde et qu'à la fin, puisqu'il n'y a rien, autant rigoler.


Lena Dunhamest née à New York en 1986. Fille d'une photographe et d'un peintre, elle a vécu à Manhattan avant de s'établir à Brooklyn, où elle vit encore. Après une série de courts-métrages, elle réalise en 2010 Tiny Furniture, son premier film, prix du Jury du festival américain indépendant South by Southwest. Mais c'est avec la création de la série Girlsen 2012, série qu'elle écrit, produit, réalise et dans laquelle elle tient un des rôles principaux, qu'elle va devenir " la voix d'une génération ". Volontairement réaliste, parfois crue, souvent hilarante et radicalement à l'opposée par exemple d'un Sex & the City, Girlssuit le parcours chaotique de quatre copines à Brooklyn. Une série devenue instantanément culte et qui a installé Lena Dunham comme une des personnalités les plus emblématiques et les plus passionnantes de la génération Y.

Telecharger Data-driven Organization Design - Sustaining the Competitive Edge Through Organizational Analytics Gratuit
Data-driven Organization Design - Sustaining the Competitive Edge Through Organizational Analytics

Data-driven Organization Design - Sustaining the Competitive Edge Through Organizational Analytics

Data-driven Organization Design - Sustaining the Competitive Edge Through Organizational Analytics
Kogan Page Ltd; Édition 1 (3 octobre 2015) | ISBN: 0749474416 | Français | PDF | 368 pages | 129 MB

Data is changing the nature of competition. Making sense of it is tough. Taking advantage of it is tougher. There is a business opportunity for organizations to use data and analytics to transform business performance. Organizations are by their nature complex. They are a constantly evolving system made up of objectives, processes designed to meet those objectives, people with skills and behaviours to do the work required, and all of this organised in a governance structure. It is dynamic, fluid and constantly moving over time. Using data and analytics you can connect all the elements of the system to design an environment for people to perform; an organization which has the right people, in the right place, doing the right things, at the right time. Only when everyone performs to their potential, do organizations have a hope of getting and sustaining a competitive edge. Data-driven Organization Design provides a practical framework for HR and Organization design practitioners to build a baseline of data, set objectives, carry out fixed and dynamic process design, map competencies, and right-size the organization. It shows how to collect the right data, present it meaningfully and ask the right questions of it. Whether looking to implement a long term transformation, large redesign, or a one-off small scale project, this book will show you how to make the most of your organizational data and analytics to drive business performance.

Telecharger Aladdin: Legacy of the Lost Gratuit

Aladdin: Legacy of the Lost

Aladdin: Legacy of the Lost

Auteur(s) : Ian Edginton
Auteur : Stjepan Sejic

Aladdin: Legacy of the Lost

From the mystical city of Shambhalla to the ends of the Earth comes a tale of magic, mystery and the motivations of power. It is the world of Ala ad-Din, better known as ALADDIN.
Thief, gambler, liar and cheat, Aladdin’s reckless soul falls under the eye of the sorcerer Maugrah, who has spent his life scouring the sands for the Dreaming Jewel. This lost relic of shattering power will enable Maugrah to steal the magic of the Djinn of the Lamp and reshape the world in his own malicious design. But to do so, he requires a mystical ability carried within Aladdin's blood...power that not even Aladdin himself knows about. An epic adventure that twists the classic saga into dark, unexplored territories with multi-Eisner nominated writer Ian Edginton!
Featuring covers from Marko Djurdjevic (Dark Reign: The List – Avengers), Arthur Suydam (Marvel Zombies) and a limited edition 1:10 incentive cover from Clayton Crain (X-Force)
Aladdin #1 Cover A – Marko Djurdjevic
Aladdin #1 Cover B – Arthur Suydam
Aladdin #1 Incentive cover (1:10) Clayton Crain

Telecharger Les lignes d'or - Sylvain tristan Gratuit

Les lignes d'or - Sylvain tristan

Et si l'ensemble des premières grandes civilisations de la planète - Sumer, Égypte, Grèce ou encore Olmèques au Mexique et civilisations pré-incaïques en Amérique du Sud - portaient toutes en elles l'empreinte irréfutable d'une origine commune ? C'est là la thèse audacieuse de Sylvain Tristan qui, dans ce livre qui se lit comme une enquête policière, affirme que la civilisation mégalithique (dont le temple de Stonehenge constitue le joyau) était composée d'un grand peuple de marins et d'astronomes capables de merveilles jusqu'ici insoupçonnées. Ce peuple était en outre le détenteur d'une géométrie à 366 degrés réconciliant la distance et le temps, intrinsèquement supérieure à la nôtre. Mais le plus incroyable, c'est que chacune des premières capitales antiques (Babylone, Thèbes, Mycènes, Stonehenge ou Alésia) a été bâtie sur un réseau de lignes uniformément espacées dans cette géométrie, preuve que ces civilisations ne sont pas nées indépendamment les unes des autres. Ce n'est pas un pavé mais un menhir que l'auteur jette dans la mare des idées préconçues sur la genèse des grandes civilisations, grosse pierre dont l'onde de choc pourrait créer bien des remous au sein de l'histoire " officielle ", qui s'en trouve bouleversée à jamais... " cet ouvrage est un must pour tous ceux qui ont le sentiment que l'Histoire ne s'est pas déroulée comme on nous l'a enseignée. Préparez-vous à être stupéfiés. " Alan Butler, auteur de Civilization One: Uncovering the Super-science of Prehistory: The World Is Not as You Thought It Was. London : Watkins, 2004.

Telecharger Etudes Sur Les Hymnes Orphiques (Religions in the Graeco-Roman World) (French Edition) Gratuit
Etudes Sur Les Hymnes Orphiques (Religions in the Graeco-Roman World) (French Edition)

Etudes Sur Les Hymnes Orphiques (Religions in the Graeco-Roman World) (French Edition)

Etudes Sur Les Hymnes Orphiques (Religions in the Graeco-Roman World) (French Edition) by Anne-France Morand
French | Dec. 1, 2001 | ISBN: 9004120300 | 393 Pages | PDF | 21 MB

The book is a study of the Orphic Hymns, a collection of 87 Greek texts in hexameter addressed to various deities. These hymns are closely related to one another and seem to originate in Asia Minor during the first centuries of the Christian era. The great originality of this corpus is that a link can be traced between a set of beliefs, rituals, offerings and mysteries, and a group of believers. Surprisingly the Hymns has been generally neglected. Les etudes sur les Hymnes orphiques begins with a study of the genre. The Hymns are essentially composed of long lists of epithets and are therefore distinctive. Through the choice of epithets in the different hymns and a comparision between the different texts it is possible to trace allusions to myths, to rituals and to mysteries related to the gods. This first part also concentrates on the literary ways of expressing religious ideas. The group using this text referred to the legendary figure Orpheus as the composer of the Hymns. It is therefore not surprising to find Dionysos at the center of this text. The basic approach is to compare the content of the Hymns to what we know and do not know about orphism. Questions such as vegetarianism, prohibition of beans, belief in metempsychosis, the content of the mysteries arise. It may seem awkward to find typically orphic gods, such as Protogonos, next to traditional gods and local deities from Asia Minor. Finally, the group was organised and the participants bore titles such as boukolos, the oxherd. A large place is given to epigraphy. The aim is to fit these elements to a definition of orphism during the first centuries of our era and to put together an image of this particular group. This book will be essential to scholars interested in orphism, in Greek religion, in religion at the beginning of Christianity, in literature and in hymns."

Telecharger Dictionnaire Visuel Français-Anglais (2017) Gratuit
Dictionnaire Visuel Français-Anglais (2017)

Dictionnaire Visuel Français-Anglais (2017)

Dictionnaire Visuel Français-Anglais (2017)
French | PDF | 104 MB

Dictionnaire français-anglais avec des visuels explicatifs.
Now comes with a free companion audio app that allows readers to scan the pages to hear words spoken in both French and English.
Newly revised and updated, the French-English Bilingual Visual Dictionary is a quick and intuitive way to learn and recall everyday words in French.
Introducing a range of useful current vocabulary in thematic order, this dictionary uses full-color photographs and artworks to display and label all the elements of everyday life-from the home and office to sport, music, nature, and the countries of the world-with panel features on key nouns, verbs, and useful phrases.
The French-English Bilingual Visual Dictionary features:
• A quick and intuitive way to learn and remember thousands of words.
• A complete range of illustrated objects and scenes from everyday life.
• Fast and effective learning for any situation, from home and office to shopping and dining out.
• Detailed index for instant reference.
• Handy size ideal for travel.
The illustrations provide a quick and intuitive route to learning a language, defining the words visually so it is easier to remember them and creating a colorful and stimulating learning resource for the foreign-language and EFL/ESL student.

Telecharger Dictionnaire judéo-espagnol (Sefardí-Francés) - Joseph Nehama Gratuit
Dictionnaire judéo-espagnol (Sefardí-Francés) - Joseph Nehama

Dictionnaire judéo-espagnol (Sefardí-Francés) - Joseph Nehama

Joseph Nehama, "Dictionnaire judéo-espagnol (Sefardí-Francés)"
C.S.I.C. | 1977 | ISBN: 8400036131 | Hebrew/Spanish/French | PDF | 609 pages | 140 Mb

Diccionario sefardí-francés Incluye conjugacion verbal y listado de locuciones del sefardí.
Nehama (ca 1880-1971) was born in Salonika, the son of the reformist rabbi Judah Nehama, and studied at the Ecole Normale Orientale, the teacher training school of the Alliance Israélite Universelle in Paris. In his capacity as teacher and school principal of the local Alliance Israélite Universelle, Nehama devoted his life to educating several generations of Salonikan youth. Nehama made a great contribution to the propagation and research of the Judeo-Spanish language by writing a comprehensive Judeo-Spanish-French dictionary. The work, entitled Dictionnaire du Judéo-Espagnol, was published in 1977 several years after his death. It is the most accurate dictionary of the djudeo-spanish spoken in Salonica. More than a dictionary a real encyclopedia where each word is translated with all its different meanings and intertwisted with lots of sayings, habits, games.

Telecharger Oeuvres complètes de Le Corbusier Gratuit

Oeuvres complètes de Le Corbusier

Les œuvres complètes de Le Corbusier en 8 volumes, près de 1000 pages, planches et annotations. 1910-1969.

Ouvrage trilingue Français-Anglais-Allemand

It has been called the most important book ever published in the history of architecture ; it is certainly the most important, most sought-after, and most emulated monograph on any architect. The Oeuvre Complete, or Complete Works, of Le Corbusier collects all the works, built and unbuilt, of the modern master in eight beautiful volumes. Each project is presented in drawing, sketches, models, or photographs, and in the way Le Corbusier himself imagined each project.

This eight-volume boxed set comprises a chronological record of Le Corbusier's work. It presents accounts of his buildings and projects, sketchbooks, manifestoes, images and texts that have changed the nature of architecture.

Telecharger Eric Chevillard - Palafox Gratuit

Eric Chevillard - Palafox

Certes, à première vue, tout laisse à penser que Palafox est un poussin, un simple poussin puisque son oeuf vole en éclats, un autruchon comme il en éclot chaque jour de par le monde, haut sur pattes et le cou démesuré, un girafon très ordinaire, au pelage jaune tacheté de brun, un de ces léopards silencieux et redoutables, volontiers mangeurs d'hommes, un requin bleu comme tous les requins bleus, assoiffé de sang, en somme un moustique agaçant de plus, avec sa trompe si caractéristique, un éléphanteau banal, mais bientôt on se prend à en douter.

Imagine... a comedy of manners, a supernatural tale, a sly commentary on science's quest for knowl- edge, a sad story about a creature that seems to possess characteristics common to marsupials, reptiles, and amphibians, not to mention insects and humans, and you have an inkling of what Eric Chevillard has done in his dark, disturbing, delightful, downright funny story of Palafox. Now mix into this brew some of Ronald Firbank's verbal fireworks, Italo Calvino's imaginative flights of exquisite writing, and Raymond Roussel's weird deadpan logic, and you get a little more of an inkling. And, if this is not enough to whet your appetite, imagine something new born under the sun. The sun, however, is shining on a dining table surrounded by people who you might, on a good day, call eccentric.